
Regulatory. Grants. Funding.

Bringing you up to date on the latest policy updates and regulations for AER (Alberta Energy Regulator), MER (Ministry of Energy and Resources - Sask), and BCER (British Columbia Energy Regulatory) to better assist you from site planning through to reclamation, for your project. Crimson works to keep you updated on the latest federal and provincial funding, grants and incentives offered. Be sure to check back regularly to stay up to date or follow us on LinkedIn.

  • Alberta Petrochemical Incentive Program


    The Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program (APIP) is intended to grow the province’s petrochemicals sector and is designed to allow projects to compete in an open market and provide potential investors with certainty that projects that progress to the operational stage will be supported by the government. The APIP is administered by the Alberta Department of Energy (“the Department”). It provides financial incentives in the form of grants to encourage private sector investment in certain types of new or expanded Alberta-based petrochemical manufacturing facilities to produce value-added, petrochemical, hydrogen, fertilizer and fuel products.

    The program will be open to receive applications from proposed projects for either five years or ten years from the launch of the program, depending on the size of the project’s capital investment. Projects with a capital investment of between $50 million to $150 million will have until November 1, 2025, to apply to the program and projects with a capital investment of more than $150 million will have until November 1, 2030, to apply to the program.

    Please contact Crimson if you would like further information regarding this Program.

    Alberta Innovates - Methane Emissions Reduction Program


    The Methane Emissions Reduction program supports technologies that detect, monitor, and mitigate methane emissions reductions from Alberta’s oil and gas industry.

    Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Reducing methane emissions is a critical component of any climate change strategy. Canada and the USA aligned on targeted methane emissions reductions of 45 per cent from 2016 levels by 2025, and remarkable progress has been achieved to date. Part of this success relates to the deployment of new technologies, and with more aggressive emissions reductions now targeted, technology development continues to be a focus area.

    This is a continuous program. Applicants are not required to be based in Alberta but must demonstrate a clear value proposition for the Province and be able to clearly demonstrate alignment to the program area priorities.

    Funding is open to all categories of lead applicant including technology developers, industry, industrial associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, research and development (R&D) organizations, post-secondary institutions, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, government research labs, individuals and others, who are advancing technology development within a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) range of 3-7.

    Eligible technology portfolios include:

    • Advanced Hydrocarbons supports economic, environmental, and diversification opportunities in Alberta's oil & gas sector. The Advanced Hydrocarbons portfolio consists of two programs: Cleaner Hydrocarbon Production and Innovative Hydrocarbon Products.

    • Clean Technology supports diversification of Alberta’s economy through the development of clean technology. The Clean Technology portfolio consists of four areas: Renewable and Alternative Energy, Bioenergy and Circular Economy, and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) and Hydrogen, and Critical Minerals and Emerging Technology.

    • Environmental Innovation supports economic development, environmental performance and healthy communities through investments in knowledge and technology gaps in two major programs: Water Innovation Program and Land and Biodiversity.

    Please note that Agri-Food and Bio industrial Innovation have a separate portfolio.

    The intake process consists of 3 phases: Phase 1 – Engagement and intake, Phase 2 – Detailed Proposal and Phase 3 – Project Management. A broad spectrum of focus areas are included in the 2030 target date set by the Clean Resources Program.

    Funding requests are separated into two application types: One – Projects of $200k or under and Two – Projects over $200k. Consideration timelines will be dependent on the dollar value and review of your project. High dollar value requests may take 4 to 6 months.

    Please see the following link for more information or contact Crimson at and we will be happy to assist you in navigating through this process.

  • AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) updates

    AUC (Alberta Utility Commission) updates

    BCER (British Columbia Energy Regulator) updates

    MER (Ministry of Energy and Resources / Sask) updates

    Federal updates

  • AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) updates

    BCER (British Columbia Energy Regulator) updates

    MER (Ministry of Energy and Resources / Sask) updates

    Federal updates